配置 Telnet 远程登录到华为网络设备


1、进入系统视图,配置 AAA 授权验证,用户名为 kobin,密码为 123456。

[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user kobin password irreversible-cipher 123456   # 创建用户
[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user kobin privilege level 15   # 权限级别为15
[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user kobin service-type telnet   # 允许用户从 Telnet 登陆

2、进入 VTY 用户界面视图。

[HUAWEI]user-interface vty 0 4
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa   # 配置验证方式为 AAA 模式
[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound all   # 允许所有协议

3、启动 Telnet 服务器,放行接口。

[HUAWEI]telnet server enable
[HUAWEI]telnet server-source all-interface   # 允许所有接口通过 Telnet 登陆设备

Warning: Telnet server source configuration will take effect in the next login. Continue? [Y/N]:y

4、为方便管理,可根据实际需求将 Terminal 也加入 AAA 验证。

[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user kobin service-type telnet terminal

[HUAWEI]user-interface console 0   # 进入控制接口
[HUAWEI-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa   # 配置验证方式为 AAA 模式

Info: The password of CON0 will be changed. Please verify the old password.
Please enter old password:      # 输入原密码
Info: The password was cleared.
Info: Succeeded in changing the authentication mode.
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配置 Telnet 远程登录到华为网络设备



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